Redgate Tool Free Download

.NET CodeReflect Free.NET Decompiler DevExtras.NET CodeReflect is a simple yet advanced free.NET assembly browser/decompiler. It is a free alternative to Red Gate's/Lutz Roeder's.NET Reflector..NET CodeReflect allows you to decompile any.NET assembly to c#, VB.NET or MSIL via reflection. Features • Assembly class browsing • Decompile.NET code • MSIL disassembly view • Decompile C# code • Decompile VB.NET code • Extract embedded resources • Hyperlink based navigation • Assembly dependency list •.NET framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5 & 4.0 support • Decompile any.NET assembly that supports reflection • Commercially maintained Simply Decompile CodeReflect has been designed as a simple standalone.NET decompiler.

Redgate is a standard set of tools to work with different databases and makes it easy through menus what you would have to program in VS. Some databases like SQL Server has their own tools like SQL Server management Studio (SSMS) that does a lot of what Redgate does.

We don't believe in bloatware so have kept things as simple as possible. There's no Visual Studio integration, no support for third party add-ons and no tabbed browsing. We just focused on creating a simple and functional.NET decompiler for C# and VB.NET. Decompilation CodeReflect is designed to decompile.NET assemblies for the purpose of performance analysis, bug investigation, code familiarisation, validating obfuscation and debugging released code.


Redgate Tool Free Download Free

It is not intended for reverse engineering copyrighted/obfuscated assemblies. Free Disassembler DevExtras CodeReflect is completely free and always will be. There are no forced deactivation's, trial periods, pro editions or mandatory updates and we have no intentions of changing this in the future. Yes, it is commercial software and it's rare for companies to give things away for free, but we see it as both giving something back to the development community and an advertising platform for our other products. Report a Bug Please help us improve CodeReflect and make it the best free.NET decompiler by letting us know of any bugs/issues that you come across.